The pic is set in the aftermath of an apocalyptic event that forces people into extreme isolation. A father (Moyer) and son (Van Acker), who have been living off grid for 20 years, encounter an outsider (Silverstone) who threatens to destroy the utopia they’ve built.
演员:丰原功补 染谷将太 松冈茉优 青木崇高 铃木伸之 清水寻也 黑岛结菜 本乡奏多 忍成修吾 成海璃子 石桥莲司 冈田将生 Shuntaro Yanagi 濑户利树 伊原刚志 高月彩良 白石隼也 Konomi Watanabe
演员:Arsen Shavlyuk Viktor Grigoriev Taras Shevchenko Ivanna Borodai Volodymyr Rashuk